Posts made in March, 2020

Dangerous Chemicals Lurking in Your Beauty Products

Think about your daily beauty routine and the products you use on a regular basis. Some of these may be just a few beauty staples, while others do have a significant contribution to your daily beauty routine. There is a scary truth to the products you use on your face. They may be exposing your face to different harmful chemicals. 

This industry is unregulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Association). there is no pre-product approval before they hit the market. A very tiny approval process is done but this only applies to color additives and ingredients classified as over-the-counter drugs. There are thousands of chemicals in your products and most of these are absorbed in your body. The companies can use and experiment with different ingredients without government approval or review.  

Many of these chemicals can irritate your skin, while there are even few that can cause serious skin damage and disease when exposed too long. For formal skin checkups, see a professional like the Rocky Mountain Dermatology. 

The following are the chemicals you need to avoid 


These are a group of chemicals that make your skincare products less dry. These chemicals are usually found on many creams and moisturizers. There are several studies that show links between these chemical and female and male reproductive defects, as well as other serious diseases like breast cancer, asthma, and diabetes.  

What makes it hard to identify is that this chemical is included in the label “fragrance” on the list of ingredients. The fragrance (perfume) is commonly used to hide some secret ingredients. The FDA also notes that “fragrance” blends are the causes of 30% allergic reactions to products.  


This chemical is often used as preservatives because they prevent bacterial growth in these products. However, several studies have linked parabens to endocrine disruptors that may have a significant effect on your reproduction while other studies also link this chemical to breast tumors. 

MIT (Methylisothiazolinone) 

This chemical has a serious toxic threat to the rats experimented in the lab. The lab rats experienced reddened lungs and swollen intestines. Some of these rats died. Europe has made steps on banning products that contain MIT. 

SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) 

It is an ingredient used to create a foamy property to your skincare products such as your face wash. In fact, it is present in 90% of the products you use for your face and body. 

SLS is not in itself a carcinogen. However, contaminants during the manufacturing process can mutations that can lead to kidney and liver defects and even cancer.  

Petroleum & Mineral Oils (Petrochemicals) 

The problem of petroleum and its mineral oil is it cant be metabolized. This means that it does not leave your body once it enters it. Once it penetrates into your skin, it may cause health hazards. These petrochemicals are also linked to major health concerns like tumor growth. 

Petroleum-based products are linked to cases of damaged nerves and even cancer. This is because these petrochemicals can be contaminated with different toxic chemicals (aside from it being a carcinogen). 

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Checklist of the Stuff You Should Not Forget in Events

It is common and natural to have some celebrations and there is a lot of people who would like to make or start a party for something that they know it would give a big surprise to their loved ones. Having a party or an event is very rampant to a lot of house owners and even to those rich people as this is one of the best ways to show that they are blessed and thankful for the achievement that they have got. When preparing for the entire event, you need to make a good plan and make sure to do this one in advance so that you won’t forget anything and avoid some troubles that may cause and result to some problems and disappointments to some of the guests. It is like the photographer Cheyenne WY that you need to hire and make a good schedule to talk to them about the things that you want and need for the party.  

Some would believe that you need to know a lot of things in order for you to create a very successful event and we are here to give you more ideas about what you can really do. You don’t need to hire someone in order to arrange all of the things for the event and this one will be a good point for you and this will help you to save more money as most of the event planners now would cost a huge amount of money for their talent fee. As long as you will stick to the plan and try to make things possible, then you don’t need to worry about the outcome as it will be a great one and sometimes better than what you have expected here. Here are some of the things that you need to prepare as soon as possible and don’t forget to write them down now.  


If you are planning to have the event outside your house like having it in the garden or resorts and even to the hotel, you need to make sure first to check the availability of it. This will help you to decide about where to hold the event.  


Write down everyone that you want to invite and make sure to remind that they should not bring others out of the list so that you won’t go over the budget. This is a good thing as well to know the possible budget that you need to prepare for each person.  


For the food, you can check for the local catering service in your town and try to choose the one that can give you the tastiest dishes. Don’t always settle for something cheap as it would also result to have some food that you can’t accept.  


You need to check the other things like the decorations and the photographers who will take the photos and the videos of the event.  

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